UtilityExplorer™ was developed with the end-user
in mind for flexibility, ease of use combined with powerful reporting capabilities.
System Description
and Features
UtilityExplorer™ is truly the user-friendly utility billing system. Originally developed and refined in the HP3000 format, it has been completely redesigned to take full advantage of
the Windows® platform while still maintaining many of the great features of earlier versions.
It was designed from start to finish with the end-user in mind for the billing of municipal services. UtilityExplorer™ is user-customizable and will continue to support your needs for years to come.
UtilityExplorer™ is completely table driven so that our system conforms to your needs and not the other way around. It provides an easy to use and intuitive graphical Windows® interface with menu driven controls. UtilityExplorer™ allows search on any field, association of unlimited number of contacts and notes, advance implementation of future rate structures, quick receipt of cash and easy import/export. The program can adapt to any rate structure no matter how complex and handles multiple forms of billings such as trash, water, sewer, etc. Multiple permission levels allow UtilityExplorer™ users to view account information based upon permissions and group access.
The unique layout and drill down capabilities of the system allow customer service representatives to quickly understand and handle billing inquiries.
Other Features
- Allows for auto-debit and credit card payments through the internet.
- Allows for wireless data access while in the field.
- Contains a workorder and inspection processing subsystem with easy to use interface
for maintenance personnel.
- Incorporates numerous permissions levels controlling viewing, update, deletion, etc.
- Can interface with virtually any meter reading system.
- UtilityExplorer™ allows for batching of cash receipts to facilitate reconciliation.
- A complete detailed audit trail and all prior rates are saved for easy audit-ability.
- Includes an integrated help subsystem.
Extensive reporting capabilities have been developed to meet the requirements of state and local authorities. UtilityExplorer™ provides revenue support staff with these features:
- Generates complete billing register.
- Generates renewal proof list and renewal forms.
- Generates inspection processing and allows for departmental approvals.
- Generates daily, monthly and custom financial reports.
- Query builder allows anyone to filter accounts and print reports.
- Provides detailed and consolidated cash receipts proof lists by important criteria.
- Generates inspection register.
- Allows integrated ad hoc and custom reporting.
- Accommodates U.S. Postal Service postnet bar coding.
- Interfaces with 3rd party systems.
- Provides for many types of consumption reports.
- Provides equipment reports based upon a number or criteria.
- Provides for easy utilization of custom reports.
Due to its flexibility, UtilityExplorer™ can adapt to the needs of most clients. In the event that further customizations are needed, they can be provided at reasonable rates.