PaymentCentral™ is a revolutionary cashiering solution that addresses the shortcoming of current cashiering systems.
PaymentCentral™ is a customer service-oriented system that integrates with other software applications such as LicenseTrack,™ QuickServe™ or accounting/finance applications to eliminate the need for double entry of receipts. Customer service personnel appreciate the single-screen, on-line information and Windows® environment; financial managers feel secure knowing that receipts are automatically posted.
Single-Screen Customer Service
PaymentCentral™ displays all relevant transaction information on a single screen. There’s no need to switch from one screen to another while customers wait impatiently. The cash maintenance screen may be locked while away from the register. This feature keeps unauthorized personnel from accessing the cash drawer or entering receipts. Receipts and single line validation may be reprinted from this screen by a right click of the mouse. There are also hot key combinations for all major cashier functions. This eliminates the need to switch between the mouse and keyboard just to enter a receipt. Charges and change are automatically computed and the cash drawer can be opened at anytime. All transactions, logins and cash drawer openings are time/date stamped with the user’s name. This non-financial report can be printed at any time and for any day or drawer.
Reports can be displayed on screen at any time. A report can be generated for one or all drawers and for one or all non-merged days. Printing a report is as easy as simply pressing Ctrl+P or selecting “Print Report” from the main window menu bar. These reports may then be exported to Microsoft Word® or Excel or even e-mailed to Finance. Custom reports, not included with PaymentCentral,™ may be generated through the use of Seagate Software’s Crystal Reports package. Besides the usual reports you would expect from a receipts tracking system, PaymentCentral™ also generates these custom reports: Cash Receipt Summary by user-defined fund order, Cash Receipt Summary by sequence, post date and Cashier Monthly Financial Summary based on user designed date query with Boolean logic.
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