Central repository and tools to manage mailing jobs.
MailCentral™ is a customer service oriented mail outsourcing toolset that empowers users to obtain effective control and management
of outsourced mailings. MailCentral™ operates as a module integrated within all Progressive products. In addition MailCentral™
enables 3rd party billing systems to also automate their out-sourcing of mail services. MailCentral™ employs an easy to use point
and click graphical interface for quick review of all mailings and supporting documents.
Click to enlarge
MailCentral™ provides the ability to:
- Optionally designate PDF documents for insertion into envelopes in addition to the primary documents.
- Create and manage mailings from both PSI and 3rd party applications.
- Obtain maximum postal discounts.
- Optionally transfer data to PSI for Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP).
- Transmit mailing files via the internet for processing.
- Receive confirmation of transmission receipt and anticipated processing date.
- Receive confirmation of delivery to USPS and an electronic copy of the PAVE and Postal Statements.
- Remotely monitor transactions and statuses from anywhere you have internet access.
- Specify date ranges for report generation of detail for all mailings (and costs) and summarize the costs for the specified period.
Licensing —give us a call, there are a few variables that need to be considered.
Operating EnvironmentOur systems are designed to run on reasonably new Windows® systems.
An ODBC compliant database system is required. Often, this means a Windows® server with MS Sql.